Sunday, November 20, 2016

Engorgement in nursing mothers must have been experienced by the mother who had just given birth. What is the cause of this? It may be that this effect late mother breastfeeding.

Engorgement in nursing mothers have two types, namely :

1. Breast milk is overfull
The most common because milk is piled up and made full in the breast. After giving birth, the pregnancy hormone will decrease and breastfeeding hormones increase, as colostrum, which went into production. Then, about 60 to 80 hours later, mature milk starting out, so the amount of milk has increased dramatically in the breast.

When it began to rapidly mature milk is produced, this is when the baby should be able to drink enough breast milk. But in certain circumstances, just a little baby drinking breast milk, which then makes the milk accumulate and cause swelling in the breast. Especially if the mother is able to produce enough milk.

2. Accumulation of fluid
Other swelling is due to edema. This may occur in women who have a buildup of fluid during labor. Some women may experience swelling of the hands and feet after giving birth, and sometimes also occur in breasts.

Swelling of this type is not the result of a buildup of breast milk, but because of the effects of fluid buildup on the part of the body after giving birth.

There are some things that may happen during labor and birth, for example, labor induction or epidural caesarean section, which allows the mother to get intravenous fluids. If induction is done within 12 to 24 hours, maybe the mother will receive an additional infusion of fluid every 4 to 8 hours. So that the mother has a buildup of fluid in some parts of the body. But for some women may experience a buildup of fluid in the breast.

What happens if the mother late breastfeeding?

Actually, the body has a protein that is able to regulate the milk supply. Protein will tell the brain if the breast is too full and slows the production of milk. Similarly, if the mother's breast is empty, this protein will tell the brain to start producing more milk.

If a mother does not breastfeed her baby in a long time, or maybe some women choose to formula feed their babies, then the protein will govern the brain to stop milk production. At first, the breast will experience swelling, and then tells the brain mechanism "to stop production," and everything will settle down, and the milk will disappear.

Therefore, if you still want to breastfeed their babies even though they take place some constraints, often mothers should drain the milk, so breast will still continue producing new breast milk. In addition to reducing the problem of swelling, draining the milk is also beneficial to help produce new and better breast milk

Advised on new mothers to initiate breastfeeding, especially in the early weeks of breastfeeding, at least 8 times every 24 hours or every 3 hours.

Tips nursing mother overcome breast swelling

1. If the mother is breast swelling or overfull, mothers can pump breast milk first. It's beneficial to soften the areola part, so that the baby's mouth can be more easily adjust to suck milk. In addition, the condition of 'overfull' will also make it difficult for the baby to suckle.

2. If the mother wants to breastfeed directly, apply a little milk on the areola to help soften it. then the mother can initiate breastfeeding. If the baby has been well fed but still feels swollen breasts, mothers can pump breast milk to relieve swelling.

3. You do not have to pump breast milk until they run out. Gentle massage can help the milk to flow better, and help soften your breasts so do not feel hard and solid. Do it regularly until you feel comfortable.

4. If the breast swelling due to fluid retention and not because milk is overfull, this would require a different treatment. To determine whether the swelling caused by fluid, you can do the following ways:

Pay attention when you remove the bra, if there are indentations
Press and hold down on the side of the breast for 10-20 seconds. If left finger indentations, the possibility of swelling caused by fluid and not because of breastfeeding.

To overcome the problem of this fluid, able to perform the method "Reverse Pressure Softening". That is by doing a gentle massage using your fingertips with the movement of pushing out the areola, hold for maybe 30-40 seconds to remove fluid. Then move your finger around the areola and repeat. After that, you can begin to breastfeed or pump breast milk out.

5. Using cabbage leaves (cabbage). Cabbage leaves have the ideal shape for breasts, besides the cabbage leaves have a soothing effect. In conditions where the breast swell , you can use cabbage leaves to cope.

Way, take cabbage leaves and place some time in the refrigerator or freezer. Then insert it into your bra Let stand for 10 minutes to help cool the breast. Remove the cabbage leaves and clean the breast before feeding.

6. Alternatively, you can buy a gel pack that can cool or heat the breast. In conditions where breast milk being produced, then the venous blood flow will also appear in the breast, so that the effect of the gel can soothe. But if you do not feel comfortable with this way, you can do the other way.

How long this swelling problem occurs in breastfeeding mothers?

Every individual has a milk supply different. Generally, after the first week, the issue of breast swelling has begun to subside, and began to settle on the size.

And between 3-9 weeks later, the mother's body begins producing milk with the right amount for her baby. At this time maybe some women worry about the milk does not come out well, but this is precisely the right conditions in which the mother's body has begun to produce milk more efficiently with the right amount for her baby.

During raising and caring for your baby, are often shocked by the things that make you amazed at your baby's development. Your baby may be relieving tired with behavior that can make you amazed.

Nevertheless, in most mothers are often buffeted by worries because until the baby is born are still difficulties in breastfeeding. In fact, breast milk is the best source of nutrition for your baby, breastfeeding is recommended at least from the beginning of the birth until the age of 6 months.

Barriers to breastfeeding did not you just experienced, some first-time mothers experiencing breastfeeding difficulties in feeding conditions. One of the reasons breast milk has not come out even when the baby is already attempting to suckle.

Why breast milk has not come out when it's time, is it possible impaired maternal health and how they affect your baby?

Here is an explanation of milk that has not been out in breastfeeding mothers in the first week of birth.

Mother memilikki different abilities in breastfeeding but basically the mother has sufficient ability to supply milk. Some new mothers sometimes can only give milk to the third or fourth day after delivery.

Despite this general condition of the delay experienced by the mother's breast milk only dikelahiran first baby.

Naturally the mother's body will immediately produce milk because there are hormones in the body after childbirth. Milk production was greatly caused by hormones, one of which hormone prolactin, which has existed since pregnant women.

The hormone prolactin inhibited by the hormone progesterone when the mother was pregnant so it does not cause the production of the milk out when the mother was pregnant. Mothers after childbirth can give breast milk to infants despite sometimes experiencing difficulties in removing the breastmilk.

Following are the causes of breast milk at times, new mothers :

1. There is a section placental placenta after delivery so that the cause of bleeding. Part placental fragments can be detected through an ultrasound exam so that the doctor can take action to milk production is not impeded anymore.

2. Mothers who give birth by caesarean section but not planned to cause difficulties in removing the breastmilk. So get out the milk takes longer. However you do not have to worry about colostrum out before your milk production smoothly.

3. Breast mother has swollen so interfere with milk production

4. Mother experiencing stress, causing the milk can not get out so that when mothers breastfeed when your baby is born or breastfeeding can be stimulated so as to make a quick exit ASI. Colostrum or first milk is given when the baby is born kesehataan will provide benefits for your baby.

If already 3 days after delivery, breastfeeding is still not out you can consult with a doctor to perform further tests. So that mothers can obtain information and consultation about breastfeeding.

Breasts are one part of the body undergoes many changes and require special care during pregnancy so that mothers can produce milk to the fullest and still be able to maintain the beauty of the shape of her breasts after childbirth and breastfeeding.

During pregnancy the body prepares the breasts to produce milk so many changes that occur in these body parts. The shape is getting big, heavy kencangdan. Heavy breasts nearing childbirth can reach 2 times the original weight.

The blood vessels work more actively to prepare glands in the breast so that it will be ready for production. In the breast are 15-25 segment / lobe consisting of reservoir gland / alveoli. Around the alveoli, the muscle layer forming interrelated. These muscles will contract to squeeze the milk out of the pockets of small channels that flow into the nipple.

Since the beginning of pregnancy, the hormones stimulate the growth of cells in milk production in the alveoli. The most important hormone in the formation of milk is prolactin, which started working since 8 week old pregnancy. This hormone also maintain the balance of the large number of milk produced at each stage with the help of estrogen hormone made by the placenta.

Breast care during pregnancy is recommended begin after 5-6 months of gestation. Because, if the early pregnancy we've done nipple stimulation, for example, not good results obtained, but instead can cause uterine contractions.

Breast Care Benefits during pregnancy :

a. Maintain cleanliness cleanliness especially breast nipple.
b. Flex and strengthens the nipple making it easier for the baby to suckle.
c. Stimulate the glands of milk so that milk production lots and smoothly.
d. It can detect breast abnormalities early and make efforts to overcome them.
e. Prepare mentally for breastfeeding mothers.

When a pregnant woman does not perform breast care well and just perform maintenance ahead of prenatal or postnatal then frequently encountered problems that would be detrimental to the mother and baby, including breast milk does not come out, the nipple does not protrude, milk production slightly, an infection of the breast, etc. Such problems can be prevented by breast care as early as possible. Here's breast care that can be done:

Age 3 months of pregnancy

Check the nipple to see if the nipple flat or entered into by way of massaging the nipple base slowly. Normal nipple will protrude. If the nipples remain flat or go back into the breast since 3 months pregnant must be improved in order to stand out.

The trick is to use both the index finger or thumb area around the nipple massaged the opposite direction to the bottom of the breast until all the breast area. Performed twice a day for 6 minutes.

Gestational age 6-9 months

1. Massage
Massage can be done in the bath. Clean the breast using water, then massage using baby oil or coconut oil. Massage done by using both hands, around the breast massaged rotate clockwise and then reverse / counterclockwise. After that do the ordering from the bottom toward the nipple, but the nipple itself does not need a massage for not berkelenjar but only the milk ducts.

After the massage, the tap-tap breast using fingertips or the tip knuckle. Point for blood circulation work better. Furthermore nipple cleaned using cotton and oil / baby oil. This oil is useful in order to flex and moisturizing nipple when breastfeeding later nipple is not easily scratched. Finally, clean the breast and nipple wear warm and cold water. The objective is to facilitate the circulation of the blood. After that, dry disposable towel.

2. Gymnastics breast
We recommend that the breast is also treated with doing gymnastics. The benefit is to strengthen the pectoral muscles in the chest, thus compressing the breast and stimulates milk production for the better.

Gymnastics can be done before or after a shower. There are two kinds of exercises that can be done, namely:

a. Standing position, the right hand holds the left forearm near the elbow, otherwise the left hand holding the right forearm (like folded). Then press firmly to tighten the chest by means of a handle, so it feels its pull on the muscles at the base of the breast. Next relax back. Do it repeatedly up to 30 times.

b. Hold both ends of the shoulder with the hand, elbow then turned forward so that the inner sleeve massaging the breasts upward. Forwarded hands upward movement back and return to its original position. Do this exercise 20 times round.

3. Wearing the right bra
To overcome the discomfort when enlarged breasts, wear a bra that fits and can sustain. Do not wear too tight or loose, but should really fit in the size of the breast at the time and can sustain breast development.

Always keep the breasts and choose a bra made from cotton to absorb sweat. Because if breast fungus and overlooked, the fungus can spread when your baby is breastfeeding. Immediately go to the doctor so that the fungus can be eradicated completely.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

17. Apples

Apples recommended for pregnant women. The reason, apples are rich in nutrients and vitamins such as fibers which can be easily digested by the body so it does not cause weight gain. Eating an apple every day can help fetal development. The fruit is also able to overcome the problem of constipation and diarrhea that often occurs during pregnancy.

18. Water Guava

Due to the high water content, water guava fruit be an appropriate alternative for those who are bored enjoy plain water. But when compared with water, a lot of people who prefer water because it can reduce fatigue during pregnancy, improve mood, relieve headaches, and others.

19. Strawberries

Although there is no direct relation with pregnant women, including fruit strawberry fruit is safe to eat. Because the fruit is rich in vitamin C that can prevent flu. There is also a pectin acid compounds which act as reliever fat in the diet, appetite stimulant, and enhancing peristalsis.

20. Cherry
Do you know if it turns cherry fruit including nutritional value is 20 times more than apples and oranges? Surely you surprised to learn the facts of this tiny fruit rosy.

In the body, each nutrient will work together or work individually to counteract free radicals, preventing inflammation, fight cancer, and soothe the nerves of the brain for normal blood is able to circulate properly to the brain.

Also contains mineral manganese, copper, Kalim, iron, and others, some of which are very important for pregnant women. If you want to consume, choose fresh cherries, because according to some experts cherries ripe fresh can aid digestion and makes the skin bayai be healthy and white.

21. Grapes

The grapes has a lot of colors, very beautiful when combined. Inside are small seeds that are not harmful if swallowed participate. Grapes contain high antioxidants that are useful for pregnant women, to prevent the onset of cancer cells, also provide iron intake and energy for the body thanks to the addition of compounds such as polyphenols and resveratrol.

22. Avocado

Avocado is a good source of vegetable fat to the body, because the relatively unsaturated. The function of the fat contained in avocado is fostering the memory function of the baby is still a fetus in the womb.

Avocados also provide folic acid, vitamin B complex, and potassium which serves to assist the development of the spine of the fetus until birth process. The fruit is more suitable to be consumed in the first period because it can reduce nausea to vomiting.

23. Salmon

Salmon is seafood safe for consumption by pregnant women. This is because the fat content of omega-3 in salmon is very high which is good for pregnant women. Said to be safe for salmon only a few contain mercury, unlike other such seafood shellfish that contain mercury so high that it is not good for consumption by pregnant women.

24. Sweet Potatoes

The new study found the presence of carotenoids in sweet potatoes are beneficial for pregnant women, the plant pigment that will be converted into vitamin A in the body.

Although vitamin A-forming foods in large quantities can be harmful, karetonoid on different sweet potato. This substance will be converted only when needed, so it does not make you have to limit the consumption of vitamin A found in some fruits and vegetables.

25. Walnut

If you are having trouble finding salmon or is tired from constantly meet the needs of omega-3 eggs, try to replace it with a walnut. Walnut including vegetable sources of omega-3 are equally well with salmon or eggs. You can mix walnuts on a salad.

26. Olive Oil

Olive oil is useful for the beauty and health. People there routinely apply this oil on the skin to make it look smooth and elastic. Some are used for frying because it contains unsaturated fats and vitamin E that actually have a positive impact on health, including pregnant women.

By providing such intake of healthy foods for pregnant women at the top, when the birth mother hopes to have a healthy baby is very likely.

6. Lean Meat

Meat is a good source of iron animal that twice required while undergoing pregnancy. Choose lean meats to avoid catastrophic postpartum or it could be when they undergo during pregnancy, namely obesity.

7. Cheese
Not all cheese is good for pregnant women. Is advisable to choose cheddar or mozzarella cheese because both contribute calcium and protein that is high enough on the body. Every ounce of him there are 150 to 200 mg of calcium.

8. Eggs

Sometimes the stomach feel queasy if you have to eat meat indefinitely, especially when pregnant. Therefore, there are healthy foods for pregnant women alternatives to meat together provide the daily protein requirement is pretty much, ie eggs.

Not only proteins, there are also other nutrients such as amino acids. You can eat it by making a vegetable omelet is then combined with broccoli and cheese topping, you can provide to drink one glass of low-fat milk.

9. Oatmeal

If you do not like or get tired of having to constantly breakfast with cereal, try to replace it with oatmeal. Oatmeal can be a source of energy that would be required to do a little work at home. The energy comes thanks to the content of complex carbohydrates which are also capable of making you feel full longer. Oatmeal also helps a patient with high cholesterol.

10. Green Vegetables

The average green leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in folic acid and iron. Both of these nutrients can make the fetus in the womb staying healthy and nutritious nourishment. You can make spinach with horseradish for dinner together.

11. Wheat Bread

If you are pregnant, you are advised to replace white bread with wheat bread. On whole wheat bread are carbohydrates, fiber, and iron can make the stomach feel full longer. Eating at least four pieces of wheat bread a day can serve 20 to 35 grams of daily fiber needs.

12. Oranges

Already many are familiar with the properties of orange thanks to the high content of vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, and water. One of them is to meet the needs of body fluids. A pregnant woman also should keep the amount of fluid in the body so as not to become dehydrated which may threaten the health of the fetus.

13. Nuts

Fat is nutrition vital for brain development of infants. The experts urged pregnant women to replace saturated fats such as meat with unsaturated fat which can be found in some types of legumes, such as peas and lentils. If you are not the usual snacking, try to apply peanut butter on whole wheat bread you.

14. Processed Soybeans

The food is made with basic ingredients soybeans into high protein sources needed by pregnant women. Examples of processed soybean meal is the most famous tofu and tempeh. Both contain 10 grams of protein per half cup. Both of these foods are also cheap and easy to manufacture and dikreasikan.

15. Yoghurt

Fermented milk product that has become a favorite of pregnant women who live in urban areas. In yoghurt, embedded vitamin D and calcium in the amount loaded. A pregnant woman needs at least 1000 mg of calcium per day in order to stay healthy fetal development. You can consume yogurt if bored with juice, calm, low-fat yogurt including healthy drinks.

16. Dragon Fruit
Although it does not come from Indonesia, the fruit is not foreign to the ear and the tongue of the people. In the market or fruit store is definitely terjajahkan fruit from China commonly included in the ritual.

Dragon fruit, including fruit for pregnant women who are healthy to eat. This is because the skin is thick, so rarely use pesticides. Based on study results, the dragon fruit is ripe can be used as a productive cough medications that are often experienced by pregnant women.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cheese Broccoli Salad

Ingredients :
200 grams of broccoli download flowerets, brewed
3 pieces of lettuce, torn
1 cucumber japan (300 grams), cored, thinly sliced
50 grams of dried red beans, boiled
50 grams of steamed potatoes, peeled, cut into 1 1 / 2x 1 1/2 cm

Sauce Ingredients :
100 grams of cream cheese
200 grams of mayonnaise
2 teaspoons ketchup
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar

How to make cheese broccoli salad :
Sauce: Beat cream cheese until smooth. Enter the mayonnaise, ketchup, lemon juice, pepper, salt, and sugar while shaken flat.
Mix salad ingredients. Serve with sauce.

Raisin Broccoli Salad

Ingredients :
200 grams of broccoli, cut into florets, boiled half cooked, drained
20 grams of raisins
4 red onions, diced
2 stalks celery, cut into 1 cm
15 grams grated cheese, for sprinkling

Sauce Ingredients :
100 ml mayonnaise
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 ½ tablespoons powdered sugar

How to make raisin broccoli salad :
Mix broccoli, raisins, onions, and celery sticks, set aside.
Sauce: Prepare a round container, put mayonnaise, olive oil, and refined sugar. Whisk until well blended, then pour the sauce into the mix salad ingredients. Mix well and store in a closet, refrigerator.
Give a sprinkling of grated cheese on top when will be served.

Egg Broccoli Salad

Ingredients :
200 g broccoli
2 chicken egg

Sauce Ingredients :
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 clove garlic, grated
1/2 tsp mustard bottled
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 tsp salt

How to make egg broccoli salad :
Boil enough water, dip the broccoli into boiling water for a few moments.
Remove and pour cold water. Drain.
Remove from blossom. Set aside.
Boil the eggs until half cooked. Remove and let cool. Peel, cut into rough.
Stir in broccoli and eggs with Sauce until blended.
Serve immediately.

Chicken Broccoli Salad

Ingredients :
300 grams of chicken fillet
1 tablespoon margarine
½ onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 tablespoons Abalone Sauce
3 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons chili sauce
2 pieces of chicken broth
½ teaspoon ground pepper
100 ml water
300 grams of broccoli
100 grams of mayonnaise

How to make chicken broccoli salad :

1. Heat margarine and saute the onions and garlic until fragrant
2. Add the chicken, Abalone Sauce, tomato sauce, chili sauce, chicken broth and pepper Blocks, pour water and stir
and cook until the chicken is cooked. Lift
3. Heat the pan, roast chicken until fragrant, lift and cut into pieces
4. Cut the broccoli per bud, then boiled until cooked, lift
5. Presentation: place the broccoli and chicken in a serving dish, put mayonnaise. Serve

Christmas Tree Broccoli Salad

Ingredients : 
1 piece Broccoli
3 pieces Potatoes
½ Yellow Peppers
2 pieces Tomato Medium
6 pieces of Smoked Beef
Salt , pepper , canned mushrooms
4 tbsp mayonnaise 

How to make a Christmas Tree Potato Salad :
Wash the potatoes, then wrap in wet conditions with a kitchen towel, then wrap again with plastic wrap. Heat in the microwave (800 W) for 6 minutes. Once cooked, remove and peel off the skin. Mash with a fork while hot.
Mix 4 tablespoons of potato salad with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Christmas Tree :
Arrange 2/3 of the potatoes that had been destroyed earlier in the plate to form a cone. Arrange broccoli cover potatoes.
Scroll smoked beef, made into the shape of a rose. Shape peppers with a star-shaped cookie cutter, stacking on top of broccoli.
Garnish potatoes and broccoli-shaped trees with mayonnaise.

Santa Claus :

Slice the tomatoes into three sections, dredging inside, fill with remaining ingredients potato salad, ornamental according to taste.


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Christmas Tree Broccoli Salad

Christmas Tree Broccoli Salad Ingredients :  1 piece Broccoli 3 pieces Potatoes ½ Yellow Peppers 2 pieces Tomato Medium...

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